Eithan Osborne should no stranger to you by now.

One of California’s most promising exports, nurtured by none other than Dane. European room mate of Chippa’s.  Winner of Stab High’s biggest air. A bright future indeed. The shiny-ist of cred decks. A fiend for a beer. A man of our hearts. We recently made use of Eithan’s French passport and had him over for some fine times on the Atlantic and Mediterranean seaboards of France. And what fun we had. Our upcoming film with Billabong as testament to that is about a month out so we’d gently advise watching this space. 

To Happy Talk! A 19 minute film short entirely on 16mm. A labour of love if I’ve ever seen one for reasons you can imagine! But the result is sublime! A breath of much needed fresh air into the edit game. Starting with perhaps the most visually pleasing portrait of Californian surfing we’ve seen in a long time. A world apart from the Bro-ed out high performance fluro that is often seen out of the southern region of California (We know, you know), stanch difference with a little nod to first chapter which made me want to go to California more than any generic lowers edit ever did. Dane surfing some kind of alt-esq proto twin fin with the accompany voiceover with we assume some of the CI crew is a stroke of genius. And needless to say, the Chopes section set to face paced trumpet laced jazz is other worldly. 

But who is the man behind the magic, enter Andrew Schoener. An honourable man.  A name long present on the surfing circuit of filmers known for his keen eye and aptitude for film.  A key filmer of Mr Brendon Gibbens and above all a general force for good.

Excerpt from Wasted Talent Article

Andrew Schoener